Untitled Poem #2 - Revise || 2003-10-21 at 12:49 a.m.

Title: Untitled Poem Number Two
Abouts: Still working on it after all this time
Version: Hellfire, I don't know.
Notes: Not much changed in this one. I just wanted to do a few tweaks.


Don't hate me because of who I am
The issue I represent to you
The issue that I shove in your face
So passionately
The inevitable revolution that I personify

The quiet, peaceful movement
That could one day erupt into an all out riot Because we're tired of being silenced
We're tired of being ignored
We've grown weary of this back burner
Of this second class citizenship
This willfull disregard
We're going to rise up
Regardless of our open wounds
Regardless of your errant, vengeful gazes
Of your spiteful, hypocritical tongues
And your oppressive, vehement limitations

We're taking back our rights
Grasping for new liberties
If you can have them,
Why can't we?

The manifestations of our rage may seem abrupt
But I can assure you they've been building
With all the years of indecencies,
All the years of torment
The years of prejudice,
Of face to face hatred
Openly expressed hatred
That is preached by the so called "righteous"
From hallowed ground this filth is spewed
Covering society in noxious recitations

It's taught and institutionalized as naturally as breathing
Naturally as eating or sleeping
Naturally as even dying

We walk the streets of our own cities
Our heads hanging low like vermin
We're made to be ashamed of living
Of breathing your air

tired of it.

So hide your children because we're rising up
Rising up to be heard
Rising up to be respected
Rising up to claim our rights
To claim our rights as HUMANS

holla ( 0 hollas so far )

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I'm um... a college student....

gillian anderson

uhhh... chickens?

