The Argument || 2003-10-16 at 10:58 a.m.

I semi-sorta wanna change the layout to something that I designed because I finally got out of my total design block and created something that isn't spectacular, but at least I can call it my own. ( as seen here.) However, here is the debate that seems to be going on in my head:

I think it'd be nice to have my diary on my new personal site. I could change the layout so that it looks just like my site.

Yes, maybe.

What's your problem?

It's just that you promised.

Promised? What the fuck did I promise?

You promised no more false diaries. No more diaries in which you hide the fact that you're bisexual. This would be just another one.

And how do you know that, Miss. Smarty Voice in my Head?

Hey, that's Mrs. Smarty Voice. Me and Billy Bob's alternate personality Jim Bob eloped, remember? I kept my last name, though. Feminism and all... Anyway, you're not ready to come out to everyone, especially not your Colorado family.

Well... They love me, right? And Alyse and Kira have expressed views of hatred towards anti-gay people and movements...

And your aunt? She's really religious. Didn't she say something to you once about this sort of thing?

Actually, I think you're remembering the time she said gender dysphoria was a choice...

And do you honestly think this'll be any different?

What about my mom? She used to be like that, and now she's totally supportive. She even goes to Ellen shows with me. We've bonded over the biggest queer entertainer of our time.

I dunno... I'm sure Rosie weighs more....

Fuck you; Rosie rules.

And besides, what about your friends? You know the ones I'm referring to...



Fuck you... Maybe they won't read this all that closely... Or even at all..

But haven't they made comments about your comments? And are you forgetting the live journal that you kept in which you allowed yourself to talk about this? Every entry was about women practically. You are obsessed with women.

That was because I finally had a place where I could be me, so it kind of just all came out. (Haha, came out. I am so witty.)

Don't lie. I'm in your head too.



Fuck you, man. Fuck you and your logic.


In other news, is anyone else totally and utterly freaked out by Mike Myers as the Cat in the Hat? Because I am. I really, really am.

.: runs off crying :.

holla ( 0 hollas so far )

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