Mmmm homocidal Alice || 2003-10-09 at 1:33 p.m.

I have to work until midnight tonight. Fun. Times.

The good news is that we're reading The House of Mirth in Women's History. Wheee!! We also watched ten minutes of the movie. I spazzed when the teacher said "Gillian" as "gill-ian" as in gills on a fish. All 50+ people in the lecture room looked and me, and I said, "Sorry. Freakishly obsessed. Don't mind me."

I missed like an hour of art cause I didn't want to go and found the perfect excuse in my broken art board. So I played American McGee's Alice and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City on Cristina's laptop while the teacher lectured about Judaism and Buddhism. Normally, I'd listen to talk about religious philosphy, but I'd never played American McGee's Alice and I'd always wanted to. Cristina let me borrow it. Jesus fucking christ that game is great.

It also inpsired me to write a short story. Not about Alice, but about a child in an asylum. I wrote it, but it's crap. Maybe I'll post it.

I think I'll buy a gold membership cause I have about a little over five hundred dollars now (just got paid.) I have four hundred of it for bills, and one hundred for the site. It would get the site hits, too. Hmm.

holla ( 0 hollas so far )

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I'm um... a college student....

gillian anderson

uhhh... chickens?

