My muse is back || 2003-10-27 at 10:25 p.m.

Today was sort of significant and symbolic. It's weird when I think about it.

First off, I was struck with the absolute passion to write this story. I mean, I was absolutely inspired. I kept scribbling and erasing and writing notes in the margin, and I was just writing and writing and writing. I got about 10 and a half pages written while I was supposed to be paying attention to lectures (which is probably going to screw me over considering the fact that I'm an auditory learner.)

I also dropped my art class.

So, I'm getting back into writing like I used to, and while I haven't given up on art, it's no longer my main focus.

My dry spell is over, baby.

Anyway, umm... I also went to the costume store with Joanne and saw a Wednesday Addams costume that was too small for me. It was the last one. That depressed me because one year when I was younger I wanted nothing more than to be Wednesday Addams. Shortly before Halloween, however, I got lice or a friend got lice or something, and I was unable to use my wig. (I had short, boy cut hair.) I wound up being the Spirit of Halloween or something stupid.

And now it's time for an excerpt from the story I wrote today.

holla ( 0 hollas so far )

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I'm um... a college student....

gillian anderson

uhhh... chickens?

